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El Coronavirus (COVID-19) no quita derechos

Esta guia fue preparada por nuestrxs amigxs de la Dignidad Migrante. Para mas information visite su Youtube Channel This guide was prepared by our friends at Dignidad Migrante. For more updates visit their Youtube Channel. Descargar PDF / Download PDF
Emily Thiessen
March 30, 2020

Worker Rights During COVID-19

We’ve put together a guide to your rights as a worker during the COVID-19 pandemic. We know this is a lot of information and it’s challenging for everyone. If you could use back-up, contact us for help! Please note that each individual situation is unique. Some of this information is changing and we will keep this page updated with the latest info as frequently as possible. The last update was…

Your Rights as a Worker in BC

Are you or someone you know being exploited by an employer? Have you been fired, suspended, or let go? Are you missing overtime pay or having your tips stolen? In many instances, employers don’t understand or follow the laws that protect workers in BC. Employers in BC are required (at minimum) to respect a very basic level of rights and to adhere to certain laws. Most of these are set…

Want to Unionise Your Workplace?

Want to Unionise Your Workplace? Had enough of your boss pushing you and your coworkers around? Feel like you should be treated with dignity and respect, but instead you’re getting on-call shifts or shorted on your pay cheque? Tired of being harrassed by customers and told to put up with it? One of the best ways to make longlasting and secure changes to your workplace is to unionise your place…